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Brrr... A Dern Cold Day in Hale Resurrected!

Hosted by: Shire of Coldedernhale

Start Date: 10/23/2010 Thru End Date: 10/23/2010 45
White River Community Events Center
501 East 3rd Street
White River SD 57579

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Arts & Sciences Competition , Classes
SITE CHANGE: Please note that the site address in the Northwatch ad is wrong. The event location has been moved from the Mellette County Courthouse to the White River Community Events Center at 501 East 3rd Street. Unfortunately the October Northwatch had already gone to press when this change was made.

Come join us as we resurrect Brr and enjoy a day stuffed with as many classes as we can fit into it!  Three separate but close locations offer the ability to host a wide range of classes to cover almost all areas of the Arts and Sciences!  From a workshop for woodworking, smithing and armoring, to a second shop for the basics of leathering working, to a large room with attached kitchen for cooking, weaving, sewing, painting and more!

Site is DRY and handicapped-accessible, and a pot luck lunch with a venison stew being provided. Watch the event website for updates.

Please check back often to view details and offerings and plan to come out and enjoy a day with your brothers and sisters of the dream as we share our love of the game and our company.

If you would be interested in teaching a class at this event please contact the event steward!

Thank you for viewing!

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