Mistress Hermina Matilda de Ainesleah of Meredene Mistress Hermina Matilda de Ainesleah of Meredene

St. Denys' Day

Hosted by: Kingdom of Calontir

Start Date: 10/8/2011 Thru End Date: 10/8/2011 46
The Cosgrove Institute
2009 400th St
Oxford IA 52246

Planned Activities: Archery , Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Competition , Bardic Activities , Classes
The Shire of Shadowdale in Iowa City is hosting St. Denys' Day in honor of the patron saint of Paris. Tournaments will be a play on his cephalophoric state, with both a headshotless and a headshot only tourney. A&S activities include a headgear competition, a bardic workshop, and two lectures on Headgear in Period and the Alans in Gaul. Other activities include a heraldic consultation table, a pre-print table, and archery.

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