Brotherhood of the Crimson Cup's  Flagship Brotherhood of the Crimson Cup's Flagship

Tournament of Chieftains

Hosted by: Kingdom of Calontir

Start Date: 2/23/2013 Thru End Date: 2/23/2013 47
B'nai El Congregation
11411 N 40 Drive
St. Louis MO 63131


In 1022 A.D., Emperor Basil II has returned triumphant from conquering much of Iberia and Armenia, and defeating the rebellious generals Nicephorus Xiphias and Nicephorus Phocas. with the Empire enjoying a rare time of peace, he wishes to celebrate his victories. Let there be a remission of land and hearth taxes! All neighboring kingdoms are invited to send those persons of high birth and great aptitude to participate in a tournament of skill and prowess in honor of Emperor Basil II's victories!

This will be a high persona event with every element in sympathy with the Byzantine Empire during the reign of Basil II. A High Persona event is a special kind of event where every effort is made by the organizers and attendees to replicate the styles, attitudes, and crafts of one specific time and place within the broad spectrum of what the SCA covers. For this event, the classes, feast, and activities during the day will focus on Constantinople in the early 11th century. We ask all attendees to make an attempt at wearing 11th-century Byzantine garb.

There will be multiple tournaments - including the traditional Chieftains mass weapons tournament. But the event will also include A&S class and competitions, youth activities, social dancing, a Byzantine inn, and Byzantine feast with entertainment.

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