Master Isaac de Hugo watching over the crowd Master Isaac de Hugo watching over the crowd


Hosted by: Shire of Vilku Urvas

Start Date: 8/15/2014 Thru End Date: 8/17/2014 49
Trakai Forest
45317 Co Rd 172
Deer River MN 56636

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities , Rapier Combat

B.Y.O.M.  XI

Hosted by the Shire of Vilku Urvas

Trakai Forest 45317 CountyRoad 172, Deer River, MN 56636  218-246-9210

August 15-17, 2014

Site Opens:  12 noonFriday; Closes: 2pm Sunday



Bring Your Own …..


Money                                    $10.00 per adult.  12 and under Free.  $5 Non-member surcharge.


Melee                                     There may be a Woods Battle on thegorgeous Trakai Forest trails, if a marshal is present and wants to coordinateit.


Marshal                                  Aslong as there is a marshal present, we have room for heavy weapons (includingwoods battles), rapier, archery (confirmed), thrown weapons and boffer.


Mug/Mead                            Site is sopping wet


Music/Minstrel                      Bardic Circles can be heldeach night around the campfire.


Materials                                Bring yourA&S projects to work on or to display


Merchants                              Merchants arewelcomed.  If you would like to merchant,please contact Tatiana of Varena,;No merchant fee.


Marquee                                This is acamping event!  Lots of trees and shade.  Potable water. No showers on site.  Firewood willbe provided.  Contact the Nikolai ofTrakai, if hotel information isneeded.


Meals                                     There is not a planned feast  A list of local restaurants will also be available.  A community cooking fire is available for allto use.


Map                                        Directions:  FromEast, North and South - I35 to US Hwy 2 West to Deer River, MN. North on Hwy 6 approx.5 miles. Turn left on Co Rd 172.

Fromthe West - US Hwy 2 East to Deer River, MN. North on Hwy 6 approx. 5 miles. Turn left on Co RD 172. 


More information       Autocrat – Lord Marcus Wulf (ShawnStafsholt),; 218-969-9529

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