Leif & Siegfried doing their calisthenics Leif & Siegfried doing their calisthenics
Court Date: 8/8/2024 (Court #1)
Event Name: Pennsic War 51
Presenting Royalty: Hans II and Genevieve II
Their Majesties Hans and Genevieve held a Royal Court of Northshield on the 8th day of August, Anno Societatis 51, in the lands of the Pennsic War in the Kingdom of Aethelmarc. Also in court were Their Highnesses Thora and Thorbrandr. The herald for this court was Baron Abelard, who also observed the toy run. The signet was Magistra Sofonisba. The seneschal of record was Mistress Wu, who served as herald for field courts held earlier in the week.

Their Majesties paid their army their war pay.

Mistress Wu, General of the Army, addressed the populace and presented some tokens from the Midrealm.
Mistress Moira, General of the Rapier Army, addressed the populace.

Awards Presented

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