Taryn Maeve MacTavish Taryn Maeve MacTavish
Award: Award of Arms
Persona: Sylvia Holliday
Presenting Branch/Group: Kingdom of Northshield
Presented on 1/9/2016 at Nordskogen Twelfth Night: Dreikönigsfest ( 29 other awards given at this event.)
Presenting Royalty: Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Additional Note: On a blank.
Calligraphy by Sofonisba Vespasiana Gabrielli . Displayed with permission. Please contact the scribe(s) for permission if you wish to copy or use this artwork.
Picture of Award
Award/Scroll Wording:
Be it known that We Toyaoka Tenno and Queen Æthelflæd have come torecognize the service and contributions of Sylvia Holliday by opening her homeand giving of her resources to the Kingdom of Northshield. Thus do We bestowupon her an Award of Arms. Done this ninth day of January AS L in Our Barony ofNordskogen.

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