Berwyn Æthelbryght of Ackley Berwyn Æthelbryght of Ackley

Awards presented at Pennsic War 46 on 8/10/2017

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Aneira Applegate Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Black Flame, Award of the Beatrice Domenici della Campana Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Elizabeth Von Kulmbach Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Guenievre du Dragon Vert Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Saltire, Order of the Gunther KegSlayer Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Cypher, Heir's Helgulfr Arngeirsson Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Gems of Northshield, Order of the House Lac du Valle Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Court Baron/Baroness Ilya Scott de Londres Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort James Applegate Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Court Baron/Baroness Jehanette de Provins Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Brigits Flame, Order of Kalisfeniia Ivanova Novgorodskaia Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Griffin of Northshield, Order of the Konrad der Lowe von Ulm Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Bravura Martin Mackeegan Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Court Baron/Baroness Refkell Melrakki Einarsson Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Bravura Refkell Melrakki Einarsson Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Brigits Flame, Order of Rhys ap Owein ap Gwyn Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Compass, Award of the Rose Bale Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Senyę́ Swadih Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Tarien Dane Kingdom of Northshield Konrad and Aibhilin

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