Mistress Cassandra of the Western Green Mistress Cassandra of the Western Green

Awards presented at Northshield Fall Coronation on 9/9/2023

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Compass, Award of the Arianna McCrossen Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Ordo Circini Vitruvii [Order of Vitruvius' Caliper] Athelyna de Chestre Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Vigil for Pelican Bastien De La Mesa Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Hearthstead, Award of the Brenna Erin Barnett Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Ceolwen ingen Adaim Kingdom of Northshield Lars III and Mary III
Pantheon of Northshield, Award of the Ciana Scholari di Polcenigo Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Constanza de Sevilla Kingdom of Northshield Lars III and Mary III
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Eckehart der Rote Kingdom of Northshield Lars III and Mary III
Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the Johannes Þorsteinsson Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Laurel Jonns Gunnarson Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Vigil for Laurel Jonns Gunnarson Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Vigil for Laurel Joya bint Arwa Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Court Baron/Baroness Lady Juliet Sofia Da Verona Kingdom of Northshield Lars III and Mary III
Vigil for Pelican Marguerite Coquette de Lyon Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Hearthstead, Award of the Martin Barnabas Burnett Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Vigil for Pelican Matthias of Rolling Oaks Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Defense Moira Eiriksdottir Kingdom of Northshield Lars III and Mary III
Defense Sven Asvaldarson Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Tatiana Marana Melville Kingdom of Northshield Lars III and Mary III
Vigil for Laurel Tatiana Marana Melville Kingdom of Northshield Lars III and Mary III
Laurel Tatiana Marana Melville Kingdom of Northshield Lars III and Mary III
Gems of Northshield, Order of the The Youth of The Island of Misfit Toys Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Tomas Ordones Sandino de Triana Kingdom of Northshield Lars III and Mary III
Glove, Award of the Vedis Ọndurr Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Wu Yun Kingdom of Northshield Lars III and Mary III

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