Mistress Cassandra of the Western Green Mistress Cassandra of the Western Green
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Pyxis, Order of the Alinore of Silfren Mere Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Award of Arms Auda ingen ui Bhaird Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Award of Arms Crispin Fletcher Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Cygnus, Award of the Cwenthryth wine Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Award of Arms Idonea le Lakere Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Black Flame, Award of the Isolde de Lengadoc Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Laurel Ivan Matfeevich Rezansky Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Award of Arms Kale Melachrine Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Pelican Maol Mhichil mac Giolla Pheadair Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Award of Arms Martin Lochlann Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
White Scarf of Northshield, Order of the Niccolo Falconetto Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Court Baron/Baroness Padruig Maclennan Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Rodrigo de Montoya Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Award of Arms Ruadrí MacBatín Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Brigits Flame, Order of Samia al-Lulu bint 'Isa Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Brigits Flame, Order of Sveinn Tunheim Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Black Flame, Award of the Vætildr Eyvindardóttir Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried III and Elizabeth I

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