Master Owen Alun Master Owen Alun

Awards presented at Pennsic War 38 on 8/7/2009

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Akira Yoda Minamoto Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Alasdair Calum Montgomery Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Bravura Alexander Hamstzhelm Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Cypher, Sovereign's Astrid of the Yellow Rose Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Cypher, Consort's Astrid of the Yellow Rose Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
White Scarf of Northshield, Order of the Charimmos of Lakadaemonias Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Augmentation of Arms Duncan Douglas MacPherson Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Pyxis, Order of the Duncan Douglas MacPherson Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Cypher, Consort's Francesca di Angelo Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Vigil for Pelican Isabella Falcão del Galinha Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Pelican Isabella Falcão del Galinha Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Black Griffin, Order of the Karl von Frettchenburg Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Cypher, Consort's Kateryn of the Amber Mists (formerly of Cornwall) Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Award of Arms Mathias von Zorn Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Cypher, Consort's Owen Alun Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Cypher, Sovereign's Rodrigo de Montoya Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Cypher, Consort's Rodrigo de Montoya Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Cypher, Consort's Seonaid ingen Domnaill Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Pyxis, Order of the Sveinn Tunheim Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Court Baron/Baroness Tatiana Marana Melville Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Cygnus, Award of the Toussaint de Caluwé Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne

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