HE Hrothgar the Lucky HE Hrothgar the Lucky

Awards presented at Thatsa Mare XV on 6/23/2012

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Cygnus, Award of the Amelinne d'Yvry Kingdom of Northshield Wulfgar and Devon
Award of Arms Carolyn D'Ivry Kingdom of Northshield Wulfgar and Devon
Black Flame, Award of the D'Eyncourt Leon Kingdom of Northshield Wulfgar and Devon
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Hanman Hebenstreit Kingdom of Northshield Wulfgar and Devon
Black Flame, Award of the Lisette de la Neige Kingdom of Northshield Wulfgar and Devon
Award of Arms Shannon D'Ivry Kingdom of Northshield Wulfgar and Devon

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