It's the Mateo show It's the Mateo show

December Missive


The wind is howling outside as I write this, and we’ve already seen white specks flying through the air with it. Though Autumn has not given up yet, winter is rapidly approaching. We hope this missive finds you warm, with cupboards well-stocked.

By now you will have heard the news of our heirs, Prince Rhys ap Owein ap Gwyn and Princess Gwenhwyvar ap Owein ap Gwyn.We are delighted to have them, and have no doubt they will be welcomed throughout the Kingdom with the warm hospitality that has been shown to Us. Thanks so much to our hosts at Crown Tourney in the Shire of Midewinde— though the journey may have been long, it was nothing compared to the joy that the day brought to us.

One of the things that We look forward to most as we travel about Northshield is seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Please do not hesitate to introduce yourselves or your acquaintances to us! We are hoping to see many of you soon at the Stellar University of Northshield (SUN) and at Boar’s Head.

Toyaoka-Tenno andCwen Æthelflæd

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed Their Royal Majesties on 11/12/2015

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