Ian MacTawisch Ian MacTawisch

April Missive


What should we say in parting, as this will beour last missive? Our reign has been an amazingjourney, one we are most grateful to have sharedwith each other and our Kingdom. We stand astribute to the kingdom, and the kingdom hasdone the same for us. We thank everyone thathelped us along the way, took time to speak withus, hang out with us. We need to say a specialthanks to anyone who took care of our childrenfor us…it was very hard to leave them for anentire day so that we could attend the needs ofthe populace, but you made that easier for us,knowing they were in good hands.

It was a great honor to be able to travel aroundthe kingdom and recognize the heroes ofNorthshield. Sometimes this means the men andwomen on the fighting field, but today we refer tothe people doing the work, on and off the field.The people taking on the difficult or tedious tasksso that others can enjoy themselves. The peopletaking officer positions and giving their group adirection and a sense of purpose. This list couldtruly go on forever.

We have just returned from Gulf Wars wherewe had the opportunity to lead the warriors ofNorthshield to great glory. We hope all who wereable to attend have returned safely with manygood memories (and much loot!). Northshield,we always know that you do us proud.

We would also love to see you at SpringCoronation. We would love handshakes, hugs,and to hear your stories from our reign. We aretruly humbled by our great kingdom. It is goodto be Northshield.

Toyaoka-Tenno andCwen Æthelflæd

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed Their Royal Majesties on 3/14/2016

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