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January 2009 Northwatch Missives

Greetings to the Populace of Northshield from Kitadate-tenno and Æsa Drott-ning,

We hope that those of you that celebrate the various winter holidays have had wonderful times with your families and friends, and that the new year finds you in good spirits.

The New Year is a time of renewal. While thinking on the coming year, renew your interests, or renew your interest in new interests. The slate is clean again, so go forth and do!

We are pleased to annouce that the Barony of Windhaven has agreed to host Our Tournament of Chivalry during their upcoming Baronial Investiture. We are also pleased to announce that Master Grimmund Blackwing will be the next Baron of Windhaven. We’d like to thank all the candidates for considering to undertake this position, and to the Barony for their generous counsel in helping Us to make this decision.

Lastly, a bit of the sort of business that it falls upon the Crown to do:

Be it known to all that Our subject, The Honorable Lord Cyveiliog McKinley is hereby barred from competition and marshalling of competitive bouts on the Armoured and Rapier fields for the duration of Our reign. Note that this does not bar The Honorable Lord from practices or other non-competitive fighting.

Æsa Drottning
 and Kitadate-tenno

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Æsa Drottning and Kitadate-tenno Their Royal Majesties on 1/1/2009

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