HE Mateo Montero de Madrid and his lovely lady, Rhian HE Mateo Montero de Madrid and his lovely lady, Rhian


Greetings People of Northshield!

With summer well underway We hear the scream of the Griffin as We ride on campaign with Our armies. We look forward to Our travels to Outlands for Glory this month, and to the contests of skill with rapier and rattan, classes and displays of the works created by the people of at least three Kingdoms. We also look forward to WW and the muster of the Northshield army for the impending battle with Our noble Eastern opponents. We encourage all to join us as Northshield gathers to celebrate the summer season with martial games, contests of artistic skill, good company with all the joyous appreciation of warm weather long cold winters engender. We also expect that Our A&S challenge to be a highlight of the summer for Us and hope that many of you will join Us after Our court at WW to see Northshield’s artists display their very best work. Our only regret about this challenge is that We cannot join in!

We are still actively seeking commentary and ideas on how to establish a predictable flow of income needed for reimbursement of our officers and the running of the Kingdom (see the June Northwatch). Please send us your thoughts so that we might make wise choices.

We would like to express Our gratitude to HL Tatiana for her generous offer to organize the warriors breakfast at Pennsic this year. We ask that you be generous during the special fundraising to support this worthy endeavor. On a similar note, We have not yet had any offers by individuals or groups to organize the Northshield party at Pennsic. If this event is important to you, please feel free to let Us know and We will be happy to support your efforts to make it happen.

May your travels be safe, and may the storms of summer bring only gentle winds and just enough water for the fields.

Tarrach and Fina

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Tarrach and Fina Their Royal Majesties on 7/1/2005

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