Thora Hrafnsteinn Ornolfsdottir Thora Hrafnsteinn Ornolfsdottir

December Missive

Greetings, Artisans of Northshield!

This month I have a lot of announcements for you! First, by the time you read this, the Stellar University of Northshield will have occurred and hopefully you were able to attend and take advantage of the knowledge offered by all the excellent teachers. This SUN also marked the end of Mestres Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth’s term as SUN Chancellor and the investment of Domina Berenice Calvina as her successor. Many thanks to Mestres Gweniver for her years of service furthering the knowledge of the Populace!

Looking forward to the next big Arts and Sciences event, I am happy to announce that the 2018 Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competition will be held on February 10th in the Barony of Jararvellir. (Details are available at There are no major changes to the rules or criteria this year and the deadline for registering an entry is 1/1/2018. I hope you will enter and share your knowledge and talents with the Kingdom. If you have any questions about the process, please reach out to me – I am happy to provide guidance on research and documentation, clarify any of the entry rules, or just provide a cheering section! As a reminder, I do encourage everyone who ENTERS A&S to also JUDGE A&S because I think it is so important to understand how the process works from both sides of the table. If you have not judged before, don’t be nervous – if you are willing to be a student judge, guidelines on the expectations will be provided in advance and you will be paired with two more-experienced judges who can show you the ropes.

Lastly, my own term as Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences is coming to a close. I am happy to announce that the Honorable Lady Annetje van Leuven will be serving as my successor and that the changeover will occur at court at the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competition. I can scarcely believe that it has been two years, but I have enjoyed working with you all and seeing all the wonderful arts the Kingdom has to offer. As a going away present to me, I hope you really knock my socks off at the Competition!

Go forth and Geek!

Other missives from the Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences
Posted by: Eithni ingen Talorgain Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences on 11/14/2017

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