Sadb ingen Suibne and Robert mac Cormaic Sadb ingen Suibne and Robert mac Cormaic


Greetings to all Northshield from Æsa, Queen and Kitadate-tenno:

As the seasons change and the weather grows cold, so do we all move from our summer pastimes to those more suitable for hearth and home.

Foremost among these is the maintenance of the Kingdom in which we all live. To that end, the Althing is coming up, and is a good resource for those who wish to know more about what’s happening in the Kingdom.

For the more chivalrically inclined, We are pleased to announce that Our Tournament of Chivalry has been scheduled for January 7, in Inner Sea. Come prepared to practice your mind as well as your arm.

At this point in time, it seems as though Gulf Wars will still happen. This is a war where Northshield makes a real difference in the outcome. Come and be a part of Northshield’s reputation in the world.

Also, these are the seasons of holidays of many kinds for many of us. Whatever your beliefs, celebrate in your way for what you have, and keep others who have less in your thoughts.



Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Æsa and Kitadate-tenno Their Royal Majesties on 11/1/2005

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