Jacques Louis de Froi and Sorcha inghean Maille Jacques Louis de Froi and Sorcha inghean Maille


Greetings Kinsmen!

First, We welcome Lars and Mary into the Royal Family. They will keep Northshield’s Royal Line strong and continue to grow Our Kingdom into further prosperity.

As the seasons turn and winter’s snows dull the beat of the war drums, make sure your weapons and armor are in good repair and ready to defend Northshield should your Crown call for you. Stay active by taking up a new Art or Science, one that will increase your skill and give you greater insight into life in the Middle Ages.

As of about noon on November 5, Northshield was no longer the youngest Kingdom. The Kingdom of Gleann Abhann took its rightful place, equal with the other Kingdoms of the Society. We wish to thank the scribes of Northshield for the incredible donation of 300 scroll blanks to help start Gleann Abhann prosperously as a Kingdom. TRM Gleann Abhann were utterly astounded when the Tenno presented them with Northshield’s gift. Help Us celebrate the formation of Gleann Abhann by joining Us at Gulf Wars, where Her Majesty’s project to provide scroll blanks will conclude. At Officers’ Day We had the opportunity to answer questions from the populace, We were asked what We would like to see different in Northshield at the end of Our reign. We responded that We wish for Northshield to stop thinking of itself as the ‘baby’ Kingdom, especially with the formation of the newest Kingdom, Gleann Abhann. Our culture and people are strong and vital, and our place among the Kingdoms is well acknowledged in the Knowne World.

One part of that renown is the quality of Our masters and students of defense — known, loved, and feared throughout the world. As Our noble ancestor Seigfried set for himself a lofty goal last year, so do We set Ourselves the same goal. Let all know that We shall expect the maximum in support for Our (as-yet-to-be-determined) allies at Gulf Wars.

The winter event calendar is filling up with many opportunities to see old friends and make new ones. Boar’s Head is just around the corner, and We have heard that many will make long journeys from far away to take part in Caer Anterth Mawr’s legendary hospitality. On January 7 the Shire of Inner Sea will host a Tournament of Chivalry so that those who wish to hone their fighting skills may do so in a forum focused on the arts martial. Yule revels abound, and We prepare to be fed into submission at Windhaven’s Yule Feast January 14.

Finally, this is a season of contemplation and renewal. In this time of great abundance in our community, please take time to ease the burdens of those whose bounty is not as great.

Yours in Service,



Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Æsa and Kitadate-tenno Their Royal Majesties on 12/1/2005

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