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September 2010 Northwatch Missive

Greetings Northshield,

Fall is here and it is time to get ready forthe winter winds. It will not be long before we have Heirs to make sureNorthshield will be cared for. Fall has always been a time to reflect, to seethe beauty of the changing colors, to bring in the harvest, to share withfriends.

Travel throughout Northshield has been fun. Whenyou have been in the SCA for many years sometimes you get in a routine, eventsare just not as exciting as they once were. Then you come across an idea orconcept you haven’t seen or heard about before. In the new Shire of OrlovaDolina, Lord Gier Hrafnsson came up with an idea called, Land Beautification. Theconcept he proposed to his Shire was to randomly choose a member of the groupwho wished to participate to receive items that were made and researched by theothers members of the group. Then they would proceed with the next randomlychosen participant. What this did was allow each of them to get to know theperson and the persona they were making items for, do historical research, andhave fun helping a person with their look. It was a new and enlightening way gentlescould help each other and it was an idea that I wanted to share with you.

It is fun to share ideas that we come acrossin our travels, but we also wish to make the fall and winter months a littlemore challenging.

We, Hrodir and Anne, put forth a challenge tothe Rapier Community. We wish to hold a Progressive Tourney, a tournament ofthree parts, in the East, Central, and West. The style of each tournament hasnot been decided yet, but the scoring of points has been. The top four places ineach tourney will be assigned points; 1st - 6, 2nd - 5, 3rd - 4, 4th - 3. Thetop combined score from all three tournaments will win the "Favor of theCrown". The tourney sites and dates are yet to be determined.

We, Hrodir and Anne, also put forth achallenge to the Archery Community. During our reign we wish the Archers ofNorthshield to shoot in order to determine the best Archer in Northshield. Theannouncement of the “Favor of the Crown” will be made at Spring Coronation. Wewill use the winter shoot scores to determine the winner. You will need aMarshal to verify and send in your scores to Our Archery Champion, Lord VidiHovdestad. Your best score will be used to determine the champion. We encourageall who can to participate.

We hope that the fall season brings you abountiful harvest of fun and happiness.

In Service to the Kingdom,



Other missives from the Their Royal Highnesses
Posted by: Hrodir II and Anne I Their Royal Highnesses on 9/1/2010

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