Roisin igen Ailill Roisin igen Ailill


Unto the people of Northshield do Æsa and Kitadate-tenno send warm greetings!

The close of Our reign led Us to consider what We have seen and experienced these many months. By the time you read this, Æsa alone will have traveled over 20,000 miles, attending over 30 events in 4 Kingdoms. We have witnessed the birth of a new Kingdom and had the humbling honor of presenting over 300 scroll blanks to Gleann Abhann so that her scribes could do honor to her people’s mighty deeds. Words cannot quite express the awe and gratitude We feel for those who contributed artwork for not only Our courts, but also for the people of Gleann Abhann. Know that your efforts are appreciated in these lands and around the Knowne World.

Part of being Royalty is giving the appearance of great wealth. During Our reign we have gained further appreciation of the riches of Northshield: the talent of Our artisans, the skill of Our fighters, and the dedication to service that so many provide. We felt privileged to serve as the focal point for Our people’s love for one another and for other Kingdoms’ love for Northshield.

All this would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of Our staff. We owe Our chamberlains a debt we can only hope to someday repay. If ever We looked organized and truly Royal, it was by Our staff’s efforts. Those of you who ever held a door, carried a throne or guarded a Royalty Room, know that you also helped make Our reign possible. A burden carried by many is much lighter for being shared.

Our champions served us well – the fearsome blades of Vladimir Radescu and Julio Gal’van, Halvdan Lackbeard’s mighty axe, and the equally fearsome artistry and service of Saraidh ingen Guairi. Our Champions enriched Our reign and added more history to the Weapons of State they carried.

By the time you read this, Æsa will have moved back onto Northshield’s soil. Reigning from a different Kingdom presented some unique challenges. It feels good for both of Us to be back home. Now We will take time to tend to domestic concerns.

During the early part of Our reign, the Tenno admonished us all not to think of ourselves as the baby Kingdom. Now we are no longer the youngest Kingdom, however We believe that Northshield is no longer ‘the baby’ in mindset as well as fact, as a Kingdom that is not afraid to experiment to both increase our understanding of history and improve on how we operate administratively. Our exploration of youth rapier combat stands out in particular. We hope that this spirit continues as we move forward in our exploration of the past.

Thank you, Northshield, for sharing with Us your time, knowledge, talents, counsel, and most of all, friendship. We are greatly enriched for having served as your Crown.

Joyously Yours,

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Æsa and Kitadate-tenno Their Royal Majesties on 4/1/2006

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