Petranella Fitzallen of Weston and Vladimir Radescu Petranella Fitzallen of Weston and Vladimir Radescu

Boar's Head: Kristkindlmarkt and Baronial Investiture

Hosted by: Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr

Start Date: 12/9/2006 Thru End Date: 12/9/2006 41
Washington County Fair Park
3000 Highway PV
West Bend WI 53095

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat , Youth Activities , Youth Boffer Combat

Come one and all to Caer Anterth's annual Feast of Boar's Head.

This year, we are honoring the area's rich Teutonic heritage with a Kristkindlmarkt, a German Christmas Market, and a German feast. Come enjoy excellent shopping opportunities, wonderful classes, children's activities, A&S displays, and armored, rapier, and youth combat; as well as a chance to see friends, old and new, at this joyous season.

Site is Handicap accessible

Alcohol must be purchased from on-site vendor ONLY. NO outside food/drink is permitted, except that for infants/young children and those with medical needs.

Site Fee: $7.00 Adults (+$3.00 NMS) $5.00 Children (8-17) and Students with ID Free: Children 7 and under

Feast Fee: $10.00

Children's activities: Youth Buffer; other activities: Journeyman's Chest, Puppet Show

Merchant Space: Yes

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