Thegn Grimmund Blackwing having a good laugh Thegn Grimmund Blackwing having a good laugh

Boar's Head XL--Yule Aboard the Bonaventure

Hosted by: Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr

Start Date: 12/2/2017 Thru End Date: 12/2/2017 52
Washington County Fair Park--Ziegler Family Expo Center
3000 Hwy PV
West Bend WI 53095

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat , Youth Activities , Youth Boffer Combat , Heraldic Consultation

The Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr invites you to the Fourtieth Feast of the Boar’s Head: Yule Aboard the Bonaventure.

Elizabeth by the Grace of God Queen of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, has inspired Her Fleet to Victory over the Spanish Armada, led by Sir Frances Drake and his flagship, the Elizabeth Bonaventure.  Today, we celebrate this victory with tournaments in armored combat, rapier, and youth combat, with classes and learning, with dance and music, with food and fellowship. 

Site opens royalty/merchants: 8:15 am
Site opens populace: 9:00 am
Site closes: 9:30 pm

Site fee:  $20
Member site fee:  $15
Youth site fee (ages 6-17):  $5
Children age 0-5:  free
Family cap (2 adults and dependent children):  $50
Member family cap (both adults members):  $40

Pre-registration discounted site fee:  $18
Pre-registration member site fee:  $13
Pre-registration family cap:  $46
Pre-registration member family cap (both adults members): $36

Merchant space fee:  $15/space (limit 2 spaces per merchant), must pre-pay

Feast will be offered.  Feast will be divided into high feast--the Officer’s Mess (cost $13) and low feast--the Crew’s Mess (cost $10).  There will be 70 seats in the Officer’s Mess, and 30 seats in the Crew’s Mess available. 

Lunch will be offered, lunch cost to be determined

There is NO OUTSIDE FOOD ALLOWED at this site.

Checks Payable to:  SCA-WI, Inc- Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr

General Populace Pre-registration should be sent to (postmarked by November 24, 2017):
Rachel Davis
8145 S. Forest Hills Circle
Franklin WI 53132

Merchant Pre-registration should be sent to (postmarked by November 24, 2017, or until spaces sell out):
B. Wesley Adams II - Attn: BH Merchant Reg
2608A N Buffum St,
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Phone: 414-326-6771 (no calls after 9 pm Central Time)

Event Co-Stewards:
Signora Beatrice Domenici della Campana (Katherine Finegan)
Winifride Barnes (Alexis Moore)

Event stewards can be reached at (414) 522-7715 (Google voice number for this event)

Site is fully accessible.

We expect to have youth boffer activities.
There will be tables and chairs available for populace space until feast is set up.  There is some floor space for personal presences.

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