Maestro Etienne de Clermont Maestro Etienne de Clermont

Warriors and Warlords 28

Hosted by: Barony of Jararvellir

Start Date: 7/13/2023 Thru End Date: 7/16/2023 58
Tomah Recreation Park
1625 Butts Ave
Tomah WI 54660

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities , Classes , Equestrian , Rapier Combat , Thrown Weapons , Youth Activities , Youth Boffer Combat , Cut and Thrust Combat , Heraldic Consultation

·       Site Opens Wednesday July 12 for Merchants.

·       Opens Thursday July 13 at 9AM for populace.

·       Site Closes Sunday July 16 at 4PM.         

      Fees:Adult Registration (18+) $45 all weekend (included camping)

               Adult Member Registration (18+) $40 (includes camping)         

               Adult Day trip one day (Friday or Saturday) $25 

               Adult MemberDay Trip Friday or Saturday $20 per day

               Minors (0-17) $0 

               Printed Site Booklet$2 

               RV $10 per day 

        Make checks payable to SCA Inc: Warriors and Warlords

·       PreReg link:

·       Class submission form:

·       Class submissions close April 1st.

·       Multiple courts will be held throughout the event!

·       Fun Activities: Do you want to host a fun activity or social event that you want on the event schedule. Something that isn’t a class or martial activity? Please let us know. Here’s a form:

·       Merchant Registration form:

·       Merchant registration form is open now.

·       If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to email the Event Steward

·       (ClydwynGwehydd / Jonathan Hill at and they will forward it to the best person to answer your inquiry.

·       Accessible Bathrooms, showers, classrooms; with some rough ground.

·        Populous space available.

·       No feast is provided, outside food and drink is welcome.

·       .

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