Lilith of Rolling Oaks and Arabella Nicola Giovanni Lilith of Rolling Oaks and Arabella Nicola Giovanni
Jararvellir - Blazon: Azure, on a fess between two catfish counter-naiant Or a laurel wreath vert

Barony of Jararvellir

Region: Woodlands
Based Near: Madison  WI
Additional Info:
Primary Contact: Estrella Toalino
(Speranza de Rauvenna)
Postal Address: 3722 Wilshire Lane Madison WI 53714 United States
Phone: (608) 358-2172 No calls after 7pm


Mistress Jois Corbet
Login to see personal information.


Baroness Athelyna de Chestre
Login to see personal information.
Upcoming Events Hosted by this Branch
Previous Events Hosted by this Branch
July, 2004
Warriors and Warlords XI
Barony of Jararvellir (Black River Falls WI)

September, 2004
Medieval Religions Symposium
Barony of Jararvellir (Dodgeville WI)

May, 2005
Northshield War College
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

ARRG 4: New World Tour
Barony of Jararvellir (Montello WI)

October, 2005
Medieval Religions Symposium
Barony of Jararvellir (Dodgeville WI)

January, 2006
Regional Fighter Practice
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

April, 2006
Northshield Spring Coronation
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

Regional Fighter Practice
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

Northshield Spring Equestrian practice
Barony of Jararvellir (McFarland WI)

May, 2006
ARRG V: Short Boat, Long Ride
Barony of Jararvellir (Montello WI)

November, 2006
Knowne World Costuming Symposium
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

Regional Fighter Practice
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

February, 2007
Regional Fighter Practice
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

April, 2007
Northshield Dance Seminar XXI
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

Regional Practice
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

May, 2007
Barony of Jararvellir (Montello WI)

July, 2007
Warriors and Warlords XIV
Barony of Jararvellir (Cadott WI)

January, 2008
It's only a flesh wound
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

May, 2008
35th Anniversary Celebration & Educational Collegium
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

ARRG VII: Roll The Bones
Barony of Jararvellir (Montello WI)

August, 2008
The Griffin’s Needle Challenge
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

January, 2009
It's only a flesh wound 2
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

April, 2009
Spring Coronation
Barony of Jararvellir (Waterloo WI)

May, 2009
ARRG VIII: Ship, Captain, and Crew
Barony of Jararvellir (Montello WI)

October, 2009
Griffin Needle Challenge
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

November, 2009
Kingdom SUN and Baronial Investiture
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

January, 2010
Its Only a Flesh Wound
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

February, 2010
Fighter School
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

November, 2010
Early Period Symposium -- CANCELLED, to be rescheduled
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

January, 2011
It's Only a Flesh Wound
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

February, 2011
Fighting in the Shade
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

May, 2011
ARRG X: Bribe The Judges
Barony of Jararvellir (Montello WI)

July, 2011
Warriors and Warlords XVIII
Barony of Jararvellir (Boscobel WI)

September, 2011
Early Period Symposium -- CANCELLED
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

October, 2011
Griffin Needle Challenge
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

January, 2012
It's Only a Flesh Wound
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

March, 2012
Fighting in the Shade II
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

May, 2012
ARRG XI: Fully Loaded!
Barony of Jararvellir (Montello WI)

July, 2012
Warriors and Warlords XIX
Barony of Jararvellir (Boscobel WI)

September, 2012
Griffin Needle Challenge
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

January, 2013
It's Only a Flesh Wound
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

February, 2013
Fighting in the Shade III
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

Eastern Regional Rapier Practice
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

May, 2013
Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

Barony of Jararvellir (Montello WI)

July, 2013
Warriors and Warlords XX
Barony of Jararvellir (Boscobel WI)

October, 2013
Griffin Needle Challenge
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

January, 2014
It's Only a Flesh Wound
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

February, 2014
Fighting In The Shade IV
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

May, 2014
21st Crown Tournament
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

Armored Combat Collegium
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

Barony of Jararvellir (Montello WI)

July, 2014
Warriors and Warlords XXI
Barony of Jararvellir (Osseo WI)

August, 2014
Known World Bardic Congress and Cooks Collegium VII
Barony of Jararvellir (Wisconsin Dells WI)

September, 2014
Regional Practice
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

November, 2014
Northshield Dance Seminar XXII
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

January, 2015
Tis But A Scratch
Barony of Jararvellir (Jefferson WI)

February, 2015
Fighting in the Shade V
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

January, 2016
Tournament of Chivalry
Barony of Jararvellir (Tomah WI)

February, 2016
Fighting in the Shade (FITS)
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

April, 2016
Jararvellir May Day
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

May, 2016
ARRG XV: World's End
Barony of Jararvellir (Montello WI)

February, 2017
Tacky Garb Ball
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

March, 2017
Fighting in the Shade VII
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

April, 2017
Bardic Madness XXVII Poisson d'Avril
Barony of Jararvellir (Waterloo WI)

Fighter's Symposium and War College
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

January, 2018
Tacky Garb Ball: Bring back the 80s
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

February, 2018
Fighting in the Shade
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

Kingdom A&S Competition
Barony of Jararvellir (Waterloo WI)

March, 2018
WAC - Winter Archery Clinic
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

April, 2018
Northshield Spring Coronation
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

September, 2018
Known World Academy of Rapier & Armored Combat Collegium
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

December, 2018
Winter Archery Clinic
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

January, 2019
Tacky Garb Ball Beach Party
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

February, 2019
Fighting in the Shade IX
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

April, 2019
Northshield Spring Coronation
Barony of Jararvellir (Waterloo WI)

July, 2019
Warriors and Warlords XXVI
Barony of Jararvellir (Tomah WI)

October, 2019
The Griffin Needle Challenge
Barony of Jararvellir (Waterloo WI)

January, 2020
Rapier War Practice
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

Wacky Garb Ball: Heroes and Villains
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

February, 2020
Fighting in the Shade X
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

November, 2020
Virtual Fighter Symposium
Barony of Jararvellir ( )

December, 2020
That's a Beautiful Event - The Perfumery, Beauty Care and Adornment Virtual Symposium
Barony of Jararvellir ( WI)

April, 2021
Northshield Spring 2021 Coronation**POSTPONED**
Barony of Jararvellir (Columbus WI)

Virtual Service Symposium
Barony of Jararvellir ( )

July, 2021
Wishes and Waiting: A Hopeful Hybrid
Barony of Jararvellir ( )

January, 2022
Winter Archery Clinic***CANCELLED ***
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

March, 2022
Blades of Glory ** RESCHEDULED**
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

June, 2022
Spring War Maneuvers
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

September, 2022
The Griffin Needle Challenge**DATE CHANGE**
Barony of Jararvellir (Waterloo WI)

January, 2023
Wacky Garb Ball: A Midsummer Night's Dream**NEW DATE**
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

February, 2023
"That’s a Beautiful Event - Even Better” -**CANCELLED **
Barony of Jararvellir ( WI)

March, 2023
Fighting in the Shade - A day of combat-archery centered activities
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

April, 2023
Northshield Spring Coronation and Jararvellir's 50ish Anniversary ***DATE CHANGE***
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

Blades of Glory ***DATE CHANGE***
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

May, 2023
Bardic Madness XXX
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

June, 2023
Skirmish at the Border
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

July, 2023
Warriors and Warlords 28
Barony of Jararvellir (Tomah WI)

September, 2023
The Griffin Needle Challenge
Barony of Jararvellir (Waterloo WI)

October, 2023
Tournament of Chivalry
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

January, 2024
Wacky Garb Ball: Supernatural
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

February, 2024
Fighting in the Shade -FITS
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

April, 2024
Spring Elevation Celebration
Barony of Jararvellir (Columbus WI)

Blades of Glory
Barony of Jararvellir (Stoughton WI)

June, 2024
Untitled Rapier Event
Barony of Jararvellir (Madison WI)

September, 2024
The Griffin Needle Challenge 2024
Barony of Jararvellir (Waterloo WI)

Officer Listing
Office Name Persona Name Modern Name Email Term
Baroness Jois Corbet Deena Patterson Login to view 69 Months
Baroness Athelyna de Chestre Ty Patterson Login to view 34 Months
Archery Marshal Ginevra Maddalena di Tomaso Volpe Tracy Bossinger Login to view 36 Months
Armored Combat Marshal Erna in hvita (called Earna Hwit) Lynn Schwalbe-Larson Login to view 5 Months
Chatelaine James de Beaumont Jeff Yanke Login to view 28 Months
Chronicler Svala Leifsdóttir Lauren Perry Login to view 3 Months
Emergency Deputy Exchequer Johann Jacobson Jacob Hansen Login to view 12 Months
Exchequer "Shin" Takeda Shinjiro Shin Shayne Cline Login to view 14 Months
Herald Seán mac Labhráis Sean Bossinger Login to view 30 Months
Minister of Arts & Sciences Gunnlaugr Pax Farrell Login to view 6 Months
Rapier Combat Marshal Clydwyn Gwehydd Jonathan Hill Login to view 19 Months
Seneschal Speranza de Rauvenna Estrella Toalino Login to view 7 Months
Thrown Weapons Marshal Drazhan Simanov Allison Simm Login to view 23 Months
Webminister Joya bint Arwa Jennifer Siegel Login to view 18 Months
Youth Armored Combat Marshal John Bartholomew of Flanders David Hall Login to view 64 Months
Populace Listing
Personas marked with * are deceased.
"Shin" Takeda Shinjiro Shin
Abbey KegSlayer Adam Adele von Passau
Adrien de Troyes Æðelwald Bald Aelfguire Wyllows
Áengus Ciarán Ó Fiachrach Æsa Gilsdottir Ailleanne ingen Faelin
Aithinne MacShane Aleksandre D'mitriovich Volochev Alex R
Alienor Hathaway of Grayfeathere Alis O'Briain Alissende de Montfaucon
Ambrose von Pasau Amy Dee Andarious
Angus the Younger Anna of Jararvellir Annora le Spindlere
Antonio Franco di Milano Aodhán ap Emrys Aodhan Mhic Gallchobhar
Arabianna Prehn Aren von Kalmbach Arwen Aberwyvern
Athelyna de Chestre Authun of Darkmoon Ayla Von Brunnen
Baerhtwolf of Jararvellir BB Beatrice Di Catania
Beatriz de Burgos Benjamin Von Herder Beth Clarke
Bjørn Refskegg Bledri ap Morgan Bran MacDavid of Windhaven
Brian mag Uidir Bridei nic Gillechattan Bronwyn ferch Gwyn ap Rhys *
Caenwyn the Wenchly Calamus Schreiber Calvin Fletcher
Cassandra Antonelli Cera de Shetland Cett
Chairles Chiere Nichole Cianna Kharleen
Ciaran ingen Roberd Clovis Clydwyn Gwehydd
Colm mor Cambeuil Conn MacNeil Conner Spillane
Cormac O'Cian Dalkrvor the Intimid Damian Caxton
Daniel S Daniel Stephenson Dante Di Catania
David Davin of Jararvellir Deborah of Jararvellir
Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu Delphine de la Fontaine Demona Whytherford
Diana Tesedale Drachon Drazhan Simanov
Dugu Jinan Dumal Ruithilcaraid Duncan MacPherson
Duncan MacThearlach Eagon Mac Coilin Eden Kegslayer
Edward of Kent Edward the Tall Eile inghean Ailgheasaigh
Eithne of Jararvellir Eithni ingen Talorgain Elashava bas Riva
Elewys de Monceaux Eliane Halevy Elizabeth of Jararvellir
Elizabeth Von Kulmbach Elsbeth Elycia Diskin
Emeline Atte More Emeric atte Whytoke Eric Nelson
Eric The Bowman Erin O'Shay Ermina
Erna in hvita (called Earna Hwit) Ètaín inghen Duibh Rea Evelein Jantz
Ewen of Jararvellir Fabiola Faris al-Basin
Fezzic Francesca of Jararvellir Fujiwara no Nagamochi
Gabrielle de Foix Gareth Sebastian Garrett Shellhammer *
Geneviefve de Chenonceaux Genevieve Elisabeth Dumas Gerald Loosehelm
Giles Devon Ginevra Maddalena di Tomaso Volpe Giovanna of Jararvellir
Gormlaidh inn Grái í Dyflin Goteleib Grainne of Jararvellir
Grisha Razumni Gudrun Guillaume Ethos Isaac LeFort
Gunnlaugr Gunther KegSlayer Gwenhwyvar verch Owen ap Morgan
Gwennefer of Jararvellir Hector Brito Heinrich von Stuttgart
Helena Brandt Helena Caxton Henry of Bexley
Henry of Bexly Hroswitha von Lippe Hrothgar Ulf Gunnarsson (Gar)
Hyacinth Egner Innokenti Rublyov called Kenya Iohanna Carracci
Iomhair De Brus Irine Isaac Fynn
Isabelle Montfort de Bretagne Ishiyama Katsuki Isolde de Lengadoc
Istani Itta of Jararvellir Jacenty Smoniewski
Jagiello Ladislaw James Applegate James de Beaumont
James Justin James the Delicate James the Elder
Jararvellir Choral Guild Jararvellir Fletcher's Guild Jararvellir Middle Eastern Dancers Guild
Jararvellir Music Guild Jararvellir Needle Arts Guild Jararvellir, Barony of
Jock McKee * Johann Jacobson John Bartholomew of Flanders
John Chandler Jois Corbet Jon Jorkellson
Jordon Bricco Josceline Levesque Jose São Pacian
Josh Roden Joya bint Arwa Judith of Jararvellir
Kano Masahiro Karl von Frettchenburg Kase
Kassandra Tenebrosa Kat Kaydian Bladebreaker
Kindorn Broadbelt * Kitakaze Tatsu Raito Kjotvi Scogarmadr
Koha Kolfinna in Kyrra Kristofer D. Green
Lancelot von Windhaven Leona Talbot Little Buddha
Liz Bastean Liz of Jaravellir Lydia Talbot
Maalon Baird Madawg ap Cynawg Máel Coluim le Drake
Magnus mac Culéon Manigarm the Scythian Marco Solario
Marcos Celtillos Margerie Freyser Marian Elizabeth Wollenschläger
Mark Sgambellone Masahiro of Jararvellir Masha of Jararvellir
Mathias of Jararvellir Mathilde of Jararvellir Matthew Neverathom
Matthew the Quiet Mazaia of Jararvellir Meadhbh inghean Uí Néill
Melissa Leffler Mhairi Dike Michael Applegate
Michael of Jararvellir Michael St. Christian Michael the Artificer
Michaeus O'Ciaragain Mikkel Daansson Moira nicConnell the Strongbow
Moirne ingen ui Connolly Morgan of Jararvellir Morgan O'Malley
Morin ní Chathasaigh Muiredach mac Seamus NasanGal
Nicholas Nikolaus der Auslander Nils Davidsen
Nisse Spanlandfara Odine of Jararvellir Odoacer Probissimus
Olav of Jararvellir Oliwier Martinka Oswin Attwater
Otes Mold MacKe Patrick of Jararvellir Paul Wickenden of Thanet
Peter Aelward Petr Orn of Jararvellir Petur Eylward
Ragnar Bergthorson Randall Clark Raul Santiago
Rebekah of Jararvellir Regina Devon Reinholdt von Trollenhagen *
Revan O'Blackhood Rhys ap Owein ap Gwyn Richard Scott
Riley Robert de Gretham Robert Talbot
Robert the Stout of Jararvellir Roderic Roisin igen Aillil
Rosa de la Mere Rosamund Redmare Rossalynne atta Tynne
Rowan Aelfdottir Roxelana Bramante Runa Landvik
Russell Warren Smith Ryan Drager Sadb ingen Suibne
Sadhbh o Broin Saexburga Samson Muskovich
Sarah Loring Sarangerel "the Sadist" of the steppes Sarra Romney of Mermaid Inn
Seán mac Labhráis Sean of Jararvellir Sean O'Neil
Seonaid ingen Domnaill Seraphina de la Warre Seren Cynydd
Sharon of Jaravellir Shiraghul Qara Arslan Sibyl Sevenoke
Siegfried von Kulmbach Sighvatr bildr Siglen of Jararvellir
Sile DiCellini Simon Sindri inn Arsaeli
Sirin of Jararvellir Sirona of Jararvellir Soilse of Jararvellir
Sol Souilse of Jararvellir Speranza de Rauvenna
Stephen du Bois Stephenie Nagle Steven of Jaravellir
Svala Leifsdóttir Sveinn Tunheim Sylvie
Tamar of Jararvellier Tatiana McGowan Thea of Jararvellir
Theodora of Jararvellir Theodorih von Jararvellir Thomas of Jararvellir
Thomas Tausend Thorgrim Thorgrim inn Nort
Thrith of Jararvellir Tiffany the Waterbearer Tirloch Ainmire O'Riordian *
Tomás Ordoñes Sandino de Triana tommy haney Tormod de Palermo
Trystan der Fackeltrager Tuiren de Lisle Ulfarr inn Sterki
Ulric von Regensburg Valamer Scwarzemfuchs Valbrandr
Valdís Brýningsdottir Walpurga am Eulnrode Wernher von Wachtersbach
Winifred Payne Wolfram von Nurnberg Wulfric the Saxon
Yoseph the Contrary Yseult de Cherbourg Zartan Mukasa
Zeba são Pacian
Populace Awards Listing
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Silken Purse, Order of Toussaint de Caluwé Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Embattled Catfish, Order of James Applegate Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Pisces, Order of James Applegate Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Embattled Catfish, Order of Tomas Ordones Sandino de Triana Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Writ of Gratitude Giles Devon Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Zephyrus, Order of Giles Devon Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Liaison Poisson, Award of Eithni ingen Talorgain Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Silken Purse, Order of Eithni ingen Talorgain Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Gilded Shell, Order of Sol Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Pisces, Order of Robert the Stout of Jararvellir Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Silken Purse, Order of Iohanna Carracci Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Embattled Catfish, Order of Nikolaus der Auslander Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Pisces, Order of Tokí inn bloðauga Magnusson Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Pisces, Order of Cassandra Antonelli Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Award of Arms John Bartholomew of Flanders Kingdom of Middle 1/1/1900
WellSpring, Award of Paul Wickenden of Thanet Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Golden Scales, Order of John Bartholomew of Flanders Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Pisces, Order of John Bartholomew of Flanders Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Golden Scales, Order of Kaydian Bladebreaker Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Pisces, Order of Kaydian Bladebreaker Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
Territory Map
Barony of Jararvellir Territory Map
Postal Codes
53502 , 53503 , 53504 , 53506 , 53507 , 53508 , 53510 , 53515 , 53516 , 53517 , 53518 , 53520 , 53521 , 53522 , 53523 , 53526 , 53527 , 53528 , 53530 , 53531 , 53532 , 53533 , 53535 , 53540 , 53541 , 53543 , 53544 , 53550 , 53551 , 53553 , 53554 , 53555 , 53556 , 53558 , 53559 , 53560 , 53561 , 53562 , 53565 , 53566 , 53569 , 53570 , 53571 , 53572 , 53573 , 53574 , 53575 , 53577 , 53578 , 53580 , 53581 , 53582 , 53583 , 53584 , 53586 , 53587 , 53588 , 53589 , 53590 , 53591 , 53593 , 53594 , 53595 , 53596 , 53597 , 53598 , 53599 , 53701 , 53702 , 53703 , 53704 , 53705 , 53706 , 53707 , 53708 , 53711 , 53713 , 53714 , 53715 , 53716 , 53717 , 53718 , 53719 , 53725 , 53726 , 53744 , 53774 , 53777 , 53778 , 53779 , 53782 , 53783 , 53784 , 53785 , 53786 , 53787 , 53788 , 53789 , 53790 , 53791 , 53792 , 53793 , 53794 , 53801 , 53802 , 53803 , 53804 , 53805 , 53806 , 53807 , 53808 , 53809 , 53810 , 53811 , 53812 , 53813 , 53816 , 53817 , 53818 , 53820 , 53821 , 53824 , 53825 , 53826 , 53827 , 53901 , 53911 , 53913 , 53920 , 53923 , 53924 , 53925 , 53926 , 53928 , 53929 , 53930 , 53932 , 53935 , 53937 , 53939 , 53940 , 53941 , 53942 , 53943 , 53946 , 53947 , 53949 , 53951 , 53952 , 53953 , 53954 , 53955 , 53957 , 53958 , 53959 , 53960 , 53961 , 53964 , 53965 , 53969 , 54626 , 54628 , 54631 , 54640 , 54645 , 54654 , 54655 , 54657 , 54923 , 54941 , 54960 , 54968
Albany , Arena , Argyle , Arlington , Avoca , Bagley , Baraboo , Barneveld , Beetown , Belleville , Belmont , Benton , Berlin , Black Earth , Blanchardville , Bloomington , Blue Mounds , Blue River , Boscobel , Briggsville , Brodhead , Brooklyn , Browntown , Cambria , Cambridge , Cassville , Cazenovia , Cobb , Columbus , Cottage Grove , Cross Plains , Cuba City , Dalton , Darlington , De Forest , Deerfield , Dickeyville , Dodgeville , Doylestown , Eastman , Edmund , Elroy , Endeavor , Fall River , Fennimore , Ferryville , Friesland , Gays Mills , Glen Haven , Gotham , Gratiot , Green Lake , Hazel Green , Highland , Hillpoint , Hollandale , Juda , Kieler , Kingston , La Valle , Lake Delton , Lake Mills , Lancaster , Lime Ridge , Linden , Livingston , Lodi , Loganville , Lone Rock , Lynxville , Madison , Markesan , Marquette , Marshall , Mazomanie , Mc Farland , Merrimac , Middleton , Mineral Point , Monroe , Montello , Montfort , Monticello , Morrisonville , Mount Hope , Mount Horeb , Mount Sterling , Muscoda , Neshkoro , New Glarus , North Freedom , Oregon , Oxford , Packwaukee , Pardeeville , Patch Grove , Plain , Platteville , Portage , Potosi , Poynette , Prairie du Chien , Prairie du Sac , Princeton , Randolph , Reedsburg , Rewey , Richland Center , Ridgeway , Rio , Rock Springs , Sauk City , Seneca , Sextonville , Shullsburg , Sinsinawa , Soldiers Grove , South Wayne , Spring Green , Steuben , Stitzer , Stoughton , Sun Prairie , Verona , Waterloo , Waunakee , Wauzeka , Westfield , Windsor , Wisconsin Dells , Woodford , Woodman , Wyocena

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