Ducere pennons Ducere pennons
Court Date: 12/7/2024 (Court #2)
Event Name: Feast of the Boar's Head
Presenting Royalty: Thorbrandr and Thora
In evening court, Abelard die Elster, Kateryn of the Amber Mists, and Sofonisba Vespiana Gabrielli came forth to once again beg a boon that Arnbjorn Karlsson be added to the Order of the Pelican.  It was done.

Aaron Palomides of Buckminster, called Rusty, remained as the Order of the Pelican exited Court, and he too had a boon of which to remind Their Majesties, asking that Abelard die Elster be added to that Order and made a Knight of the Society.  It was done.

This is a true and complete reporting of the business of the Court of Thorbrandr and Thora as witnessed and heralded by my hand and voice.  The signet of record was Sofonisba Vespiana Gabrielli, and the seneschal of record was Magnus Vargrson of Caer Anterth Mawr.

Awards Presented

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