Youth playing ring around the tree Youth playing ring around the tree

Lady Charlotte Almary

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Persona Type:
Primary Name
Photograph: Charlotte Almary
Late period French


  Award Name Presenting Branch Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Kingdom of Northshield 12/7/2024 Feast of the Boar's Head Thorbrandr and Thora
Glove, Award of the Kingdom of Northshield 9/24/2022 The Griffin Needle Challenge**DATE CHANGE** Guenievre and Tom III
Award of Arms Kingdom of Northshield 7/14/2018 Warlords and Warriors XXV Yngvar II and Luce II
Millstone of Caer Anterth Mawr, Award of Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr 9/23/2023
Battle's Wall, Award of the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr 5/27/2023
Baronial Brassard Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr 5/27/2023
Bravura Kingdom of Northshield 3/16/2023 Gulf Wars XXXI Guenievre and Tom III
Please send award updates/corrections to the Clerk of Precedence: .

Current/Previous Offices:

Office Officer for Group Start Date End Date In Office
Branch Chatelaine Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr 11/6/2023 Active 15 months

Marshal Warrants and Authorizations:  Denotes specific Authorization/Marshal Warrant.

Authorization Card Expiration Date: 01/13/2024


Archery Marshal of the Field in Training
Archery Marshal of the Field


Armored Single-Handed Weapon (1H)
Armored Marshal of the Field in Training
Armored Marshal of the Field
Armored Spear
Armored Two-Handed Weapon (2H)
Armored Combat Archery
Armored Siege Weapons
Armored Youth Sparring


Equestrian General Riding and Games
Equestrian Marshal of the Field in Training
Equestrian Marshal of the Field
Equestrian Mounted Archery
Equestrian Jousting
Equestrian Driving
Equestrian Mounted Crest Combat
Equestrian Mounted Armored Combat


Rapier C&T Single Sword
Rapier Single Rapier
Rapier Marshal of the Field in Training
Rapier Marshal of the Field
Rapier C&T Marshal of the Field
Rapier Case
Rapier Dagger 07/31/2022
Rapier Rigid Parry 12/04/2023
Rapier Non-Rigid Parry
Rapier Epee
Rapier C&T Defensive Secondary
Rapier C&T Offensive Secondary
Rapier C&T Two-Handed Weapon
Rapier Rapier Spear

Rebated Steel

Rebated Steel Singlehanded Sword
Rebated Steel Longsword
Rebated Steel Counter
Rebated Steel Marshal

Thrown Weapons

Thrown Weapons Marshal of the Field in Training
Thrown Weapons Marshal of the Field


Youth Youth Level 1
Youth Youth Rattan
Youth Youth Rapier
Youth Marshal of the Field in Training
Youth Marshal of the Field
Youth Youth Level 2
Youth Youth Level 3

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