Real men can wear anything they want (Duke Raito and THL Randall of Caer Anterth Mawr) Real men can wear anything they want (Duke Raito and THL Randall of Caer Anterth Mawr)
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Cygnus, Award of the Aine ingen MaelPatraic Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Glove, Award of the Ambrose von Pasau Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Arnbjørn Karlsson Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Pyxis, Order of the Bodvilder Sigarsdottir Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Black Flame, Award of the Ciara inghean MaelPatraic Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Award of Arms Damon the Gate Keeper Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Pelican Elashava bas Riva Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Brigits Flame, Order of Eliane Halevy Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Brigits Flame, Order of Friedrich von Augsburg Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Black Flame, Award of the Gemma DelForte Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Glove, Award of the Giles Devon Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Black Flame, Award of the Heinrich von Stuttgart Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Black Flame, Award of the Heregyth Ketilsdottir Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Compass, Award of the Ian ap Dafydd Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Iohanna Carracci Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Award of Arms Isabella Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
White Scarf of Northshield, Order of the Jock McKee Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Black Flame, Award of the Kateryn of the Amber Mists (formerly of Cornwall) Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Award of Arms Katherine Weaver Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Black Bolt, Award of the Kudrun Pilegrim Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Court Baron/Baroness Medb of Twin Rose Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Award of Arms Michael Constantine Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Black Flame, Award of the Sadb ingen Suibne Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Cygnus, Award of the Sarah of Rockwall Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Sharon Shannon called Maither Kingdom of Northshield Siegfried I and Bridei
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