Mistress Theodora von Igelheim Mistress Theodora von Igelheim

MagisterFrater Giles Devon

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Persona Type:
Primary Name
Personal Web Site
Device: Sable, on a pale Or between in chief two Maltese crosses argent a sword sable entwined of a serpent gules. Registered May 1983.
**Device may not be registered with the College of Arms**
Photograph: Giles Devon
Giles Devon is a time-traveling Englishman who started in the 12th century and ended up in the 16th. A long stop in the Japans gave him an interesting view of the world. Today, he is interested in the Art of Defense, armouring, archery and archery equipment (as well as looking as good as other people can make him when they dress him up).


  Award Name Presenting Branch Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Landed Baron/Baroness Kingdom of Middle 3/1/1997
Pelican Kingdom of Middle 9/28/1996
Court Baron/Baroness Kingdom of Middle 12/9/2000
Ordo Circini Vitruvii [Order of Vitruvius' Caliper] Kingdom of Northshield 3/17/2016 Gulf Wars XXV Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Evergreen Kingdom of Middle 8/15/2002
Dragon's Heart Kingdom of Middle 6/28/1990
Glove, Award of the Kingdom of Northshield 12/4/2004 Boar's Head - The Return of the Cherries Siegfried I and Bridei
Red Company Kingdom of Middle 2/28/1998
Purple Fret Kingdom of Middle 10/8/1988
Silver Oak Kingdom of Middle 7/8/1987
Award of Arms Kingdom of Middle 12/12/1981
Silken Purse, Order of Barony of Jararvellir 4/1/2023
Bravura Kingdom of Northshield 3/16/2017 Gulf Wars XXVI Hrodir and Yehudah
Scroll of Honor Kingdom of Northshield 9/12/2015 Fall Coronation Tom II and Sigrid II
WellSpring, Award of Barony of Jararvellir 1/4/2015
Griffin of Northshield, Order of the Kingdom of Northshield 9/12/2009 Fall Coronation Stephen and Ailleanne
Cypher, Sovereign's Kingdom of Northshield 4/8/2006 Northshield Spring Coronation Æsa and Kitadate-tenno
Prince's Cypher Principality of Northshield 10/5/2002
Princess' Cypher Principality of Northshield 10/5/2002
Aegis Principality of Northshield 8/14/2002
Iron Watch Principality of Northshield 5/4/2002
Prince's Cypher Principality of Northshield 6/13/1998
Princess' Cypher Principality of Northshield 6/13/1998
Liaison Poisson, Award of Barony of Jararvellir 2/12/1995
Golden Scales, Order of Barony of Jararvellir 11/21/1992
Embattled Catfish, Order of Barony of Jararvellir 11/16/1991
Pisces, Order of Barony of Jararvellir 11/18/1989
Golden Tate, Order of Barony of Jararvellir 4/11/1981
Zephyrus, Order of Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Writ of Gratitude Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/1900
Please send award updates/corrections to the Clerk of Precedence: cop@northshield.org .

Current/Previous Offices:

Office Officer for Group Start Date End Date In Office
Armored Marshal of the Field Kingdom of Northshield 2/13/2015 Active 120 months
Rapier Marshal of the Field Kingdom of Northshield 2/13/2015 Active 120 months
Cut & Thrust Marshal of the Field Kingdom of Northshield 8/21/2013 Active 138 months
Archery Marshal of the Field Kingdom of Northshield 2/13/2015 Active 120 months
Kingdom Emergency Deputy Rapier Marshal Kingdom of Northshield 10/16/2004 9/27/2007 35 months
Kingdom Eastern Deputy Rapier Marshal Kingdom of Northshield 12/1/2007 3/25/2010 27 months
Emergency Chirurgeon Deputy Kingdom of Northshield 1/1/2007 10/17/2010 45 months
Kingdom Rapier Marshal (KLO) Kingdom of Northshield 1/1/2010 9/23/2011 20 months

Marshal Warrants and Authorizations:  Denotes specific Authorization/Marshal Warrant.

Authorization Card Expiration Date: 06/18/2031


Archery Marshal of the Field in Training
Archery Marshal of the Field

Armored - Warranted Armored Marshal of the Field

Armored Single-Handed Weapon (1H)
Armored Marshal of the Field in Training
Armored Marshal of the Field
Armored Spear
Armored Two-Handed Weapon (2H)
Armored Combat Archery
Armored Siege Weapons
Armored Youth Sparring


Equestrian General Riding and Games
Equestrian Marshal of the Field in Training
Equestrian Marshal of the Field
Equestrian Mounted Archery
Equestrian Jousting
Equestrian Driving
Equestrian Mounted Crest Combat
Equestrian Mounted Armored Combat

Rapier - Warranted Rapier Marshal of the Field

Rapier C&T Single Sword
Rapier Single Rapier
Rapier Marshal of the Field in Training
Rapier Marshal of the Field
Rapier C&T Marshal of the Field
Rapier Case
Rapier Dagger
Rapier Rigid Parry
Rapier Non-Rigid Parry
Rapier Epee
Rapier C&T Defensive Secondary
Rapier C&T Offensive Secondary
Rapier C&T Two-Handed Weapon
Rapier Rapier Spear

Rebated Steel

Rebated Steel Singlehanded Sword
Rebated Steel Longsword
Rebated Steel Counter
Rebated Steel Marshal

Thrown Weapons

Thrown Weapons Marshal of the Field in Training
Thrown Weapons Marshal of the Field


Youth Youth Level 1
Youth Youth Rattan
Youth Youth Rapier
Youth Marshal of the Field in Training
Youth Marshal of the Field
Youth Youth Level 2
Youth Youth Level 3

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