A royal guard sneaks a peek at Masquerade II A royal guard sneaks a peek at Masquerade II

Awards presented at Warlords and Warriors XXV on 7/14/2018

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Court Baron/Baroness Abraam Samuel Ben Jucef Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Court Baron/Baroness Ahlwin von Hildebrand Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Annora le Spindlere Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Award of Arms Ayla von Kiel Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Gems of Northshield, Order of the Camp Strawboss Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Court Baron/Baroness Ceara an Einigh Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Award of Arms Charlotte Almary Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Court Baron/Baroness Demona Whytherford Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Vigil for Pelican Ealdred of Malmesbury Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Eyricke Rycard Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Court Baron/Baroness Giulia di Grazia Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Glove, Award of the Hanman Hebenstreit Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Janvier der Wasserman Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Saltire, Order of the Katerinka Lvovicha Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Crwth, Order of the Markéta Barfussin, Baroness of Windhaven Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
White Owl, Award of the Morgan of Jararvellir Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Cypher, Sovereign's Petranella Fitzallen of Weston Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Black Griffin, Order of the Ralik Ravenwolf Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Chivalry Rhys ap Owein ap Gwyn Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Glove, Award of the Sibillia d'Orange Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Saltire, Order of the Tatiana Marana Melville Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Court Baron/Baroness Tomas Ordones Sandino de Triana Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Vigil for Laurel Tosten du Calais Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Laurel Tosten du Calais Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
Glove, Award of the Tribaldi de Gritti Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar II and Luce II
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