Alberic of Caer Anterth Mawr Alberic of Caer Anterth Mawr

Awards presented at Fall Coronation on 9/11/2010

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Brigits Flame, Order of Asny Halfdanardottir Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Vigil for Pelican Berwyn AEthelbryght of Ackley Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Award of Arms Comgall Macdoran Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Cypher, Sovereign's Gevehard von Baden Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Cypher, Consort's Gevehard von Baden Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Court Baron/Baroness Gwyneth Felton Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Vigil for Pelican Kenric Bjarnarson Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Pelican Kenric Bjarnarson Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Court Baron/Baroness Kolbrunna Gisladottir Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Cypher, Sovereign's Lazarus Gauge Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Olaf Kristsson Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Writ of Thanks Orlova Dolina, Shire of Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Brigits Flame, Order of Pedro de Carrion del los Condes Ramirez Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Court Baron/Baroness Seonaid ingen Domnaill Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Cypher, Consort's Sibyl Sevenoke Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Black Flame, Award of the Sigeric Unsiker Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Count/Countess Sigrid de la Mare Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Rose Sigrid de la Mare Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Award of Arms Silvanus of Vilku Urvas Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Black Flame, Award of the Svana Valdyrsdottir Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Count/Countess Tom Tinntinnabulum Kingdom of Northshield Hrodir II and Anne I
Cypher, Sovereign's Yngvar inn Heppni Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid

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