Saraidh ingen Guairi Saraidh ingen Guairi

Mistress Hlíf Lokadóttir

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Primary Name
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Device: Sable, on a bend sinister gules fimbriated three fleurs de lys palewise, in canton a spider argent.
**Device may not be registered with the College of Arms**
Photograph: Hlíf Lokadóttir
In service to: • Countess Sadb Jofreysdottir, OL, OP (Avacal)
• Sir Hanman Hebenstreit
• Dame Clara inghean Uilleim, OP (

Dependants: • HL Pedro de Carrion del los Condes Ramirez (foster)

           Hlíf Lokadóttir was born in 883 in the petty kingdom of Vestfold. Despite growing up without knowing her parents' identity, she has formed strong familial ties and considers several individuals as her brothers and sisters. As an orphan, she was suggested the patronym Lokadóttir due to the similarities she shares with the Sly One. In 911, she joined Hrólfr's crew and traveled to Frankish soil, where she witnessed the creation of the Duchy of Normandy. Since then, she has continued to travel between Frankia, Normandy, and Scandinavia, never quite settling in one place. Despite having numerous Christian acquaintances and chosen family, she has chosen not to embrace the faith and remains true to her pagan traditions.

          Hlíf is renowned for her love of sailing, tablet weaving, languages, and research. She is also known for her prowess on the battlefield and in tournaments. Her strength and determination have set her apart as she navigated the tumultuous times of great change throughout the northern lands.

          Given the bynames Mjǫksiglandi and Askasmiðr, which reflect her travels and life experiences, she earned the nickname "Honey Badger" during an event in the Kingdom of An Tir. Hlíf typically dresses in masculine attire and does not identify with any specific gender, preferring the pronouns she/they. She is fond of silver, brass, amber, malachite, bone, and antler, as well as her affinity for darker shades and macabre themes.

          Hlíf has a life partner and a child, though they are seldom seen. Due to being in service to a modern crown, Hlíf and her family have resided in three SCA kingdoms but aim to make Northshield their permanent home.

          Throughout her journey, Hlíf has achieved many remarkable feats. Notable highlights include her introduction to the SCA by her brother Wulfgar Bradaxe in A.S. XLVIIII in An Tir, her appointment as an ambassador of the principality of Tir Righ by Prince Thorwulf Bjornson in A.S. L, and her tenure as the Kingdom of Avacal Champion of Arts and Science from A.S. LIV to A.S. LVII, where she showcased an interactive bardic performance of a tea service inspired by Tang dynasty traditions, a tablet-woven band influenced by a Hallstatt fragment, and a research paper on the history of tea in Imperial China. Finally, she was honoured with induction into the prestigious Order of the Laurel in A.S. LVIII.



  Award Name Presenting Branch Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Laurel Kingdom of Northshield 2/3/2024 Castel Rouge 12th Night Yngvar III and Isabella
Winged Lynx, Order of the Kingdom of Avacal 3/23/2019
Cygnus, Award of the Kingdom of Northshield 9/4/2023 The War of the Roses Lars III and Mary III
Black Flame, Award of the Kingdom of Northshield 1/7/2023 Return of Hogmanay Guenievre and Tom III
Award of Arms Kingdom of An Tir 10/25/2014
Elders of Avacal Kingdom of Avacal 7/2/2022
King's Favor Kingdom of Avacal 11/16/2019
Throne's Favor Kingdom of Avacal 11/16/2019
King's Favor Kingdom of Avacal 11/17/2018
Ordre de l'Etoile d'Argent Principality of Tir Righ 3/19/2016
Please send award updates/corrections to the Clerk of Precedence: .

Current/Previous Offices:

Marshal Warrants and Authorizations:  Denotes specific Authorization/Marshal Warrant.

Authorization Card Expiration Date: 10/03/2029


Archery Marshal of the Field in Training
Archery Marshal of the Field

Armored - Warranted Armored Marshal of the Field

Armored Single-Handed Weapon (1H)
Armored Marshal of the Field in Training
Armored Marshal of the Field
Armored Spear
Armored Two-Handed Weapon (2H)
Armored Combat Archery
Armored Siege Weapons
Armored Youth Sparring 04/22/2023


Equestrian General Riding and Games
Equestrian Marshal of the Field in Training
Equestrian Marshal of the Field
Equestrian Mounted Archery
Equestrian Jousting
Equestrian Driving
Equestrian Mounted Crest Combat
Equestrian Mounted Armored Combat

Rapier - Warranted Rapier Marshal of the Field

Rapier C&T Single Sword
Rapier Single Rapier
Rapier Marshal of the Field in Training
Rapier Marshal of the Field
Rapier C&T Marshal of the Field
Rapier Case
Rapier Dagger
Rapier Rigid Parry
Rapier Non-Rigid Parry
Rapier Epee
Rapier C&T Defensive Secondary
Rapier C&T Offensive Secondary
Rapier C&T Two-Handed Weapon
Rapier Rapier Spear

Rebated Steel

Rebated Steel Singlehanded Sword
Rebated Steel Longsword
Rebated Steel Counter
Rebated Steel Marshal

Thrown Weapons

Thrown Weapons Marshal of the Field in Training
Thrown Weapons Marshal of the Field

Youth - Warranted Youth Boffer Combat Marshal of the Field in Training

Youth Youth Level 1
Youth Youth Rattan
Youth Youth Rapier
Youth Marshal of the Field in Training
Youth Marshal of the Field
Youth Youth Level 2
Youth Youth Level 3

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