Reinholdt von Trollenhagen and Her Ladyship Spike, mascot of Jararvellir Reinholdt von Trollenhagen and Her Ladyship Spike, mascot of Jararvellir
Nordleigh - Blazon: Sable, three squirrels rampant surrounding a laurel wreath Or

Canton of Nordleigh

Region: Lakes
Based Near: Northfield  MN
Additional Info:
Primary Contact: Lisa Claycomb
Postal Address: 537 10th Ave S South St Paul MN 55075 United States
Phone: Phone Hidden
Previous Events Hosted by this Branch
Officer Listing
Office Name Persona Name Modern Name Email Term
Armored Combat Marshal Ciaran Mac Martin Name Hidden Login to view 22 Months
Emergency Deputy Exchequer Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth Jennifer McNitt Login to view 21 Months
Exchequer Samia al-Lulu bint 'Isa Julia May Login to view 21 Months
Seneschal Gisela Lisa Claycomb Login to view 79 Months
Populace Listing
Populace Awards Listing
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Zadok ben Solomon ibn Alfakhar Kingdom of Middle 10/1/1994
Red Company Zadok ben Solomon ibn Alfakhar Kingdom of Middle 7/6/1996
Award of Arms Samia al-Lulu bint 'Isa Kingdom of Middle 5/22/1998
Princess' Cypher Samia al-Lulu bint 'Isa Principality of Northshield 6/3/1998
Award of Arms Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth Kingdom of Middle 5/22/1999
Award of Arms Maol Mhichil mac Giolla Pheadair Kingdom of Middle 5/22/1999
Purple Fret Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth Kingdom of Middle 12/11/1999
Willow Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth Kingdom of Middle 6/24/2000
Northern Cross Maol Mhichil mac Giolla Pheadair Principality of Northshield 2/24/2001
Award of Arms Simonis Adriane Kingdom of Middle 4/7/2001
Dragon's Heart Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth Kingdom of Middle 7/14/2001
Purple Fret Samia al-Lulu bint 'Isa Kingdom of Middle 11/10/2001
Evergreen Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth Kingdom of Middle 1/12/2002
Scroll of Honor Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth Principality of Northshield 5/4/2002
Northern Cross Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth Principality of Northshield 5/4/2002
Award of Arms Ciaran Mac Martin Kingdom of Middle 11/2/2002
Purple Fret Maol Mhichil mac Giolla Pheadair Kingdom of Middle 1/11/2003
Northern Cross Zadok ben Solomon ibn Alfakhar Principality of Northshield 7/12/2003
Prince's Cypher Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth Principality of Northshield 10/4/2003
Princess' Cypher Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth Principality of Northshield 10/4/2003
1 2 3 4 5
Territory Map
Canton of Nordleigh Territory Map
Postal Codes

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