Recognize this armouring Laurel? (circa 1984) Recognize this armouring Laurel? (circa 1984)
Dreibrucken - Blazon: Argent, a pale azure, in pale over all three single-arched bridges gules, in chief two laurel wreaths vert

Shire of Dreibrucken

Region: Plains
Based Near: Bismarck  ND
Additional Info:
Primary Contact: Wanita Bowman
(Johanna Rivenich)
Postal Address: Address Hidden
Phone: (701) 584-2319 Leave message on answering machine, don't forget your name and call back number.
Upcoming Events Hosted by this Branch
June, 2025
Bardic Blades XII
(Elgin ND)

Previous Events Hosted by this Branch
April, 2006
Western Regional Melee Practice
Shire of Dreibrucken (Bismarck ND)

October, 2006
Shire of Dreibrucken (Bismarck ND)

April, 2007
Western Regional Melee Practice
Shire of Dreibrucken (Lincoln ND)

October, 2007
Masquerade II
Shire of Dreibrucken (Bismarck ND)

May, 2008
Western Regional Melee Practice
Shire of Dreibrucken (Lincoln ND)

October, 2008
Masquerade III
Shire of Dreibrucken (Bismarck ND)

April, 2009
Western Regional Melee Practice V
Shire of Dreibrucken (Lincoln ND)

October, 2009
Masquerade IV
Shire of Dreibrucken (Bismarck ND)

May, 2010
Spring Crown Tourney
Shire of Dreibrucken (Wilton ND)

May, 2011
Western Regional Melee Practice
Shire of Dreibrucken (Bismarck ND)

April, 2012
Western Regional Melee Practice
Shire of Dreibrucken (Bismarck ND)

June, 2013
Bardic Blades II: Battle of the Badlands
Shire of Dreibrucken (Glendive MT)

December, 2013
Yule Ball
Shire of Dreibrucken (Bismarck ND)

September, 2014
Bardic Blades III
Shire of Dreibrucken (Elgin ND)

September, 2015
Bardic Blades
Shire of Dreibrucken (Glendive MT)

August, 2016
Bardic Blades V
Shire of Dreibrucken (Elgin ND)

August, 2017
Bardic Blades VI
Shire of Dreibrucken (Elgin ND)

August, 2018
Bardic Blades VII
Shire of Dreibrucken (Elgin ND)

August, 2019
Bardic Blades 8
Shire of Dreibrucken (Elgin ND)

July, 2020
Bardic Blades IX**CANCELLED **
Shire of Dreibrucken (Elgin ND)

July, 2021
Bardic Blades IX.2**CANCELLED **
Shire of Dreibrucken (Elgin ND)

June, 2022
Bardic Blades X
Shire of Dreibrucken (Elgin ND)

August, 2023
Bardic Blades XI
Shire of Dreibrucken (Elgin ND)

Officer Listing
Office Name Persona Name Modern Name Email Term
Archery Marshal Gazenda da la Rocha Jennifer F Wahl Login to view 5 Months
Emergency Deputy Exchequer Gazenda da la Rocha Jennifer F Wahl Login to view 60 Months
Exchequer Gazenda da la Rocha Jennifer F Wahl Login to view 37 Months
Minister of Arts & Sciences Alexsandra Zuduwietz Name Hidden Login to view 6 Months
Seneschal Johanna Rivenich Wanita Bowman Login to view 20 Months
Populace Listing
Populace Awards Listing
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Baronial Brassard Christophe Baernklau von Rostock Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr 1/1/1900
Flaming Heart Christophe Baernklau von Rostock Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr 1/1/1900
Award of Arms Vladislav Siretescu Kingdom of Middle 2/12/2000
Award of Arms Olafr Grimolfsson Kingdom of Middle 9/22/2001
Purple Fret Olafr Grimolfsson Kingdom of Middle 6/8/2002
Award of Arms Anastasiia Rusa Iureva vnuchka, a Vladislava zhena Kingdom of Middle 2/11/2006
Cygnus, Award of the Olafr Grimolfsson Kingdom of Northshield 5/12/2007 Northshield Spring Crown Hrodir and Giulia
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Arban Arslan Kingdom of Northshield 5/12/2007 Northshield Spring Crown Hrodir and Giulia
Award of Arms Alrick ap Dreibrucken Kingdom of Northshield 10/27/2007 Masquerade II Hagan and Eilis
Award of Arms Ishak of Western Keep Kingdom of Northshield 11/3/2007 St. Katherine's Hagan and Eilis
Willow Anastasiia Rusa Iureva vnuchka, a Vladislava zhena Kingdom of Middle 6/14/2008
Award of Arms Fredrich Smith Kingdom of Northshield 4/18/2009 Road to the Isle Xlll: 1349: We're Not Dead Yet! Stephen and Ailleanne
Award of Arms Cinamensen Kingdom of Northshield 4/18/2009 Road to the Isle Xlll: 1349: We're Not Dead Yet! Stephen and Ailleanne
Purple Fret Anastasiia Rusa Iureva vnuchka, a Vladislava zhena Kingdom of Middle 6/20/2009
Purple Fret Vladislav Siretescu Kingdom of Middle 6/20/2009
Award of Arms Baylock of Dreibrucken Kingdom of Northshield 5/8/2010 Spring Crown Tourney Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Lucrezia Dragonetti Kingdom of Northshield 5/8/2010 Spring Crown Tourney Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Friedrich Wiedrich Kingdom of Northshield 5/8/2010 Spring Crown Tourney Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Seana - Minstrel Kingdom of Northshield 5/8/2010 Spring Crown Tourney Tom and Sigrid
Palfrey, Award of the Arban Arslan Kingdom of Northshield 9/4/2010 Castel Rouge 40th Anniversary Feast and Celebration Tom and Sigrid
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Territory Map
Shire of Dreibrucken Territory Map
Postal Codes
58477 , 58494 , 58501 , 58502 , 58503 , 58504 , 58505 , 58506 , 58507 , 58520 , 58521 , 58523 , 58524 , 58528 , 58529 , 58530 , 58532 , 58533 , 58535 , 58538 , 58541 , 58542 , 58544 , 58549 , 58552 , 58553 , 58554 , 58558 , 58560 , 58562 , 58563 , 58564 , 58566 , 58568 , 58569 , 58570 , 58571 , 58572 , 58573 , 58601 , 58602 , 58620 , 58621 , 58622 , 58623 , 58625 , 58627 , 58630 , 58631 , 58632 , 58634 , 58636 , 58638 , 58639 , 58640 , 58641 , 58642 , 58643 , 58644 , 58645 , 58646 , 58647 , 58649 , 58650 , 58651 , 58652 , 58653 , 58654 , 58655 , 58656 , 58757 , 58831 , 58835 , 58838 , 58847 , 58854
Alexander , Almont , Amidon , Arnegard , Baldwin , Beach , Belfield , Beulah , Bismarck , Bowman , Braddock , Cannon Ball , Carson , Cartwright , Center , Dickinson , Dodge , Driscoll , Elgin , Fairfield , Flasher , Fort Yates , Gladstone , Glen Ullin , Golden Valley , Golva , Grassy Butte , Hague , Halliday , Hazelton , Hebron , Hettinger , Keene , Killdeer , Kintyre , Lefor , Linton , Mandan , Mandaree , Manning , Marmarth , Marshall , Medora , Menoken , Moffit , Mott , New England , New Leipzig , New Salem , Raleigh , Reeder , Regan , Regent , Rhame , Richardton , Saint Anthony , Scranton , Selfridge , Sentinel Butte , Shields , Solen , South Heart , Stanton , Sterling , Strasburg , Taylor , Watford City , Wing

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