Thegn Samson Muskovich
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Samson "Samii" Muskovich is a Rus-Viking nomad from the late 10th Century who earns his keep as a merchant/trader and sometimes mercenary along the Silk Road. He believes strongly in seizing the opportunities presented to him as long as they do not compromise his integrity.
I am also working on developing a secondary persona who is 14th Century Egyptian (Mamluk Sultanate); this persona doesn't currently have a name. Same occupation / history as Samii where he is a fighting merchant.
When not doing all the things (I do a bit of everything the SCA has to offer), I been known to lend a hand or two at events. I frequently travel between the Midrealm and Northshield, and places beyond for events -- if you see me post that I'm traveling to an event, feel free to reach out and see if I have space in my car.
My Laurel is Baroness Berengeria Mordaunt, who is the current Baroness of Shattered Crystal in the Midrealm.
I have agreed to foster as an Apprentice to Helgulfr Arngeirsson, one of the incipient Barons of Windhaven
In the event that the Crown deems it appropriate for recognition at the AoA or GoA level, I am fascinated by the tradition of "stuff" scrolls in the Kingdom, but also just like traditional scrolls. I will note that I rent, so any "stuff" needs to be able to be transported by hand. For traditional scrolls, I have a strong preference for receiving scrolls from newer scribes so that their work receives the recognition it rightfully deserves.
As a scribe / maker, I work best in leather and metal (specifically silver and bronze), but will also happily contribute illumination for a scroll (my calligraphy isn't that great).
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