Viscountesses Aramanthra the Vicious and Leyla ibnat-ash-Schamaal Viscountesses Aramanthra the Vicious and Leyla ibnat-ash-Schamaal
Photograph: Tarrach Alfson and Fina ingen Aeda
Kingdom Reign#: 2
Combatant Name: Tarrach Alfson
Consort Name: Fina ingen Aeda
Runner Up Combatant Name: Leif Gray Fox
Runner Up Consort Name: Astrid of the Yellow Rose
Crown Tournament: Crown Tournament
Crown Tournament Date: 10/23/2004
Crown Tournament Branch: Vilku Urvas
Coronation Event: Second Coronation of Northshield
Coronation Date: 4/9/2005
Coronation Branch: Midewinde


Carried Griffin's Justice: Faoiltigerna nic Mhairi
Carried the 15th century axe from Calontir: Cadwallon y' Rhudd
Carried the 15th century axe from Calontir: Isaac de Hugo
Carried the Northshield Spear: Gwyneth Felton
Carried the sword from Calontir: Alaric Sturmenluchs
Princesses Sleeve Winner: Lazarus Gauge


Written as Their Royal Majesties on 9/1/2005
Written as Their Royal Majesties on 8/1/2005
Written as Their Royal Majesties on 7/1/2005
Written as Their Royal Majesties on 6/1/2005
Written as Their Royal Majesties on 5/1/2005

Royal Progress

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